1. How long are shipping times?

Your products will ship within two to five working days from the time you place an order. However, please note that delivery times may vary depending on peak periods.

  1. What's your return policy?

In the unlikely case that you are not satisfied with your purchase due to product defect (e.g. damaged during shipment, wrong item / faulty item / manufacturing defect etc.), please follow the following guide:
a.    Email info@thelavastore.com with the subject '[Your Order No#] Return/Exchange Request’ and include your order number, name, the reason for the return/exchange, plus attach any supportive material/image for our validation.
b.    We will begin to process your request. Once your return request is approved, our team will follow up with further information via email. Approval for return/refund/exchange is at the sole discretion of The Lava Store based on our evaluation and investigation of the product in case.

  1. Can I cancel my order?

Cancelations are possible if you do not receive your package within the timeframe specified for each individual product. Sometimes orders get sent out before we can process the cancelation. So if you cancel your order but still receive the package, then please go ahead and do one of three things: recycle it, donate it, or enjoy it.

  1. How can I pay?

We currently accept online bank transfer via FPX from major banks.

We will be expanding our payment channels very soon to accept payments via e-wallet  and major credit cards. Keep you posted.


     5.  Do the products come with warranty?

All our products enjoy 1 year electronics warranty. For wear and tear products, there will no warranty. Example of wear and tear product will be microphones, loudspeakers and transducers. In the event of a manufacturing fault, we allow products to be returned in exchange with new unit. You can refer to our Return Policy